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alt.magick Quiz ANSWERS (QA)

Newsgroups: alt.magick,alt.magick.tyagi
Subject: alt.magick Quiz ANSWERS
Followup-To: alt.magick
Summary: This is a REFerence file for the alt.magick newsgroup.  As such
	 it constitutes an attendant file to the alt.magick FAQ, which is
         intended as an introductory file and its content may be discussed
         within the alt.magick.* contellation.  The FAQ is available at:
Keywords: magic quiz knowledge correctness wizardry
Supercedes: 071506
From: (tyaginator)
Reply-to: (tyaginator)





A) WRONG -- Volition is valuably discerned from magic. Those
	who foment the notion that will's exercise is identical
	with magic are occulting and confusing magic's actuality
	in part so as to appear powerful and magically adept.
B) WRONG -- Power reservoirs are sometimes identified with
	magic by those using magic as a convenient plot point
	or explanatory model. However, this begins quickly to
	approximate a stand-in term for 'otherwise unidentified
	stuff', akin to Arthur C. Clarke's evaluation of magic.

C) CORRECT -- The proper identification of magic includes a
	manipulation of symbolic implements, an intentionality
	or direction, some alteration of the real world, and a
	differentiation between engineering and magical events.

D) WRONG -- More of the "we don't really know what it is"
	description, this time integrating psychic powers and
	abilities and dismissing symbolism and components as

E) WRONG -- The symbolism of magic is its "language", and
	the attempt to undermine it by dismissing either the
	language or the effects which it is supposed to produce
	usually resorts to sleight of hand or psychic explanations.

QUESTION #2: WHEN AND WHERE DID MAGIC ORIGINATE? A) WRONG -- Some occultists do pronounce the term 'MAY-jik', but the Old Ones are fictional (or at least mythic) beings described in the fiction of Howard Phillip Lovecraft, who lived in the area of Providence, Rhode Island from 1890-1937. The magic that associates with this is called 'Darkside' and considered hazardous. B) WRONG -- Sufism is a type of mysticism associated with Islam which sometimes features magic as part of its theurgy. The legendary Christian wisemen "from the East" variously known as Caspar, Melchior, and Balthasar, are sometimes featured in a comical song as "smoking a cheap cigar," and their initials are used in an Epiphany spell as they are chalked over doors for the protection of their residents along with the date (e.g. "20 C+M+B 06"). Their inclusion in Nativity stories represents monarchic authority and power (Persian, Babylonian, and Hebrew, respectively, according to German folklore), and they feature strongly in European mystery play tradition. C) WRONG -- There were several women who used the name Marie Laveau, probably related to one another, who lived during the 19th century in New Orleans. Sticking pins in dollbabies or poppets is a type of image-magic securing the identity between the doll, a target, and the activities done to the doll. It may be found in magic from Africa and India, and is a commonplace technique. D) WRONG -- Agrippa (1486-1535) did write that compendium book set, but he didn't invent magic any more than did Laveau or Lovecraft. He gathered arcane information together and used both books and his own sometimes incomplete but extensive knowledge to supplement. The 'Fourth Book' attributed to him was not in fact his work. E) CORRECT -- As a technology for creating change in the world using manipulated symbolism, magic has been employed in all of life's pursuits as long as humans have attempted to do anything.

QUESTION #3: WHEN DID THE WORD 'MAGIC' ORIGINATE? A) WRONG -- Alphonse Louis Constant aka Eliphas Levi wrote one of the most influential series of works occultism has yet seen in the Western Hermetic world. He employed the term magic often in "Transcendental Magic", highly recommended by occultists but not the originator of the term 'magic'. Cf. ISBN:1858913799. B) WRONG -- Crowley didn't write "Magick in Theory and Practice", but he was the dictator of the content of _Liber ABA_, Book Four, approximate. Two women wrote Parts 1/2 and 3: Soror Virakam (Mary d'Este Sturges) Part I: Mysticism Part II: Magick (Elementary Theory), and Soror Agatha (Leila Waddell), Part III "Magick in Theory and Practice" Soror Rhodon (Mary Butts) took "Notes for an Astral Atlas" cf. ISBN:0877289190, ISBN:0877282544. Editors have refined to broad significance the presentation of this work, but while it did not originate the WORDS 'Magick' *or* 'Magic', it set plausible standards for *thelemic* magical culture. C) CORRECT -- They posit the 'roguery' based on their lack of control, 'malevolent' based on subversion ideologies. Cf. ISBN:0202303780. Since then its usage has bounced and landed on its feet in several spots through the world as a means to manipulate the course of events through the employment of symbols by principled methods. D) WRONG -- This is a plain and silly invention of my own. E) WRONG -- John Dee was a well-known mathematician and spy whose 'Enochian Magic', constructed with Edward Kelly, has influenced the Golden Dawn and much Hermetic magic. Cf. ISBN:0935214062. Dee was romanced into translating Necronomicon by occultists. "The Necronomicon" is a redundancy -- "Necronomicon" is translatable as 'The Book of Dead Names', and is rendered into versions by Lavenda, Carter and many others. Cf. ISBN:1568820704, ISBN:380751925.

====================================== PRACTICAL, GENERAL -------------------------------------- QUESTION #4: WHAT ARE COMMON MAGICAL TOOLS AND HOW ARE THEY USED? A) WRONG -- These tools of stage magic do not perform miracles, and instead are handled with prestidigitation and legerdemain. Their purpose is to deceive by special construction and deft sleight of hand the observation of those hoping to be entertained by fooling. B) CORRECT -- There appears no actual limit to the power of the imagination and its construction of symbolic means to effect desired change in accord with traditional magical principles. As is demonstrated here, however, there are some grouped purposes derivable. C) WRONG -- Tools are MORE often used in serious magical operations (due to the focus and power such supplements can provide). Psychic powers are conceptual only, though much has been done to promote them. Compare the religiomagical 'siddhis' or mystical powers supposedly obtained as a byproduct of spiritual development. D) WRONG -- Not all magical systems are initiatory. Some are simply shared databases or interwoven solitary constructs, developed by exposure. Initiatory orders promising this level of quality are probably frauds, and this description was intentionally extreme. E) WRONG -- Extraordinarily powerful magical tools are rare and usually legendary. Their replicas may be created on the prototype of the legend, so these are in effect examples of well-known objects deemed magical.

QUESTION #5: WHAT ARE SIGILS AND HOW ARE THEY USED? A) WRONG -- This is a pastiche of quasi-real information unrelated to sigils. B) WRONG -- The symbol of the Grim Reaper is the scythe. While a necromancer *might* attempt to contact the dead, even with sigils, she'd probably do that with a very *particular* sigil, one associated with protection against the being summoned, or affording control over it. C) WRONG -- The term being described is 'djinn' and its plural 'djinni' or, in English, 'djinns', and it has no relation to sigils in the slightest. D) CORRECT -- Sigils are often designed especially for the function desired. E) WRONG -- While 'salamanders' are known by Euro-American ceremonial magicians and some Neopagans as elemental entities whose alliance or participation in rite assists endeavours for which fiery or emboldening disposition are important, and they are in fact associated with certain Quarters in Neopagan ritual, they are never, in fact, called 'sigils'.

QUESTION #6: WHAT ARE MAGIC SQUARES? A) WRONG -- While it is true that squareforms were used in astrology, and in mapping Aristotlean Elements, these were not known by the term 'magic square'. Geomantic figures are also constructed on similar squareforms. Whether grid or subdivisions of a square into triangular sectors, the cross-overs between divination and games are myriad and occupy fascinating analytical tomes. B) WRONG -- This diagram does exist, within the named occult essay, but the term 'magic squares' is not therein applied to them, and should instead be called 'cells of the genii' or 'sigils of the qlippothic spirits' which is qabbalistic in character. C) WRONG -- Straight out of role-playing games. It *could* be so employed as a symbolic action with this experiential intent, comparable to the Wiccan Circle (and its Cone of Power), or the Solomonic magician's Circle of Power, but this quite specific explanation above is my own invention (jog on, you quadratic mages! Salutations to the Guardians of the Page!!!). D) WRONG -- This insanity is the work of my mind reflecting on Channa and Zen monastic expression inclusive of the 10 Bulls of Kakuan. Completely false and without any value to magic. E) CORRECT -- Magic squares are used by religious and magicians all over the globe. They are used in sacred architecture, spellcasting, medicine, and alchemical formulae. Cf. Magic Squares and Cubes, by William S. Andrews. ISBN:0486206580.

QUESTION #7: WHAT IS A TALISMAN? HOW ARE THEY CREATED AND USED? [NEW NEW NEW NEW] A) WRONG -- Those beings are part of legend and lore of the Celts, as told in The Mabinogion and elsewhere. Taliesen and Math are part of the "Wizard" folklore motif, into which Myrddin (Merlin, et al) and Gandalf fall so peculiarly as changelings. B) WRONG -- This is a mish-mash of occult terminology intended to deceive the reader into thinking it might be realistic, but is truly farcical in the end. The Quintessence is an alchemical supposed '5th Element', typically subsuming the others to it. An ipsissimus is the apex of Golden Dawn style ceremonial magic, related in ways to Rosicrucianism and its offices. Ritual magic is a particular structural style of magical practice which engages rite for its delivery of the formula. The Great Work is an alchemical aim of transcendance. C) WRONG -- This is truly insane gobbledy-gook congealed out of dreams and madness and oozing tendrils of misinformation.k D) RIGHT! -- Talismans are mobile battery sources of magical influence. They exude charming protection and a potential to transform, change, or preserve. Often worn or carried. E) WRONG -- I made this up depending upon the homonymic of 'talon'. An amulet of this sort *is* a traditional object of protection and power, but it is not the reason that the term 'talisman' exists, or to what it is primarily applied.
WHAT WAS YOUR SCORE? Ratings system: 7 Correct -- Amazing! You are a fount of arcane information. 6 Correct -- Incredible! You have aptitude for occultism. 5 Correct -- Stupendous! Your genius is displayed. 4 Correct -- Your knowledge of magic is quite good. 3 Correct -- Your potential is exhibited. Additional work required. 2 Correct -- Your education about magic could stand some improvement. 1 Correct -- Study up! The occult is revealed! 0 Correct -- Appalling! Are you sure you're in the right place? (c) 2007 -- nagasiva yronwode -- All rights reserved.

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